It's a blank page, an unwalked road.
the pages will read what I have gained in exchange for time,
or what I find along the way
My resolution is to remember every day
that life is too short for petty things.
That it’s important to kiss slowly, laugh insanely,
love fully, forgive quickly, count my blessings
& look for the unexpected joys purposefully.
Every day!
You would think that I, of all people, would remember
that life is fragile, unpredictable, and like a vapor can vanish in a moment.
But even for me, the routine grind and problems of the day
crowd out the important things of life.
It takes great effort to consciously look for the good.
I have to establish reminders.
Something that reminds me to STOP and consider what blessings were sent my way that day.
Blessings such as when I'm troubled and someone comes along with a smile;
or maybe the breath-taking sunset on the way home.
I know from experience
God has been my strength when I was weak,
my light when things were dark,
my security when life was unsure,
and my way when the path was obscure & hidden
I know from experience that God uses each of us to touch each other's lives.
To provide strength, light, hope, and outrageous laughter.
My prayer for 2010 is:
Dear Lord . . .
Please grant that I shall never waste my pain: for . . .
to fail without learning,
to fall without getting up,
to sin without forgiving,
to be hurt without forgiving,
to be discontent without improving,
to be crushed without becoming more caring,
to suffer without growing more sensitive,
Makes of suffering a senseless,
a futile exercise,
a tragic loss.
by Dick Innes
So - don't waste your experiences.
Use them for good.
If you forget, don't beat yourself up.
Remember that each morning is a new day to begin again.
You can't have a better tomorrow if you are thinking about yesterday all the time. Charles F. Kettering
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