Then all the trees of the forest will sing for joy. Psalms 96:12
There's music in the sighing of a reed;
There's music in the gushing of a rill;
There's music in all things,
if men had ears.
There earth is but an echo of the spheres
Lord Byron
Of course it does!
I'm sitting here right now
listening to the wind, singing in the cedar tree
outside window
Reminds me of my teenage years.
There was a very tall evergreen or pine tree
of some sort outside my upstairs bedroom window.
I loved to go to sleep when the wind was blowing through that evergreen.
when the wind was singing through MY evergreen tree.
It would literally sing me to sleep.
“My singing evergreen” still stands today.
I stand under it every time I go home to upstate NY.
I usually pick up its pine cones
and sometimes find myself stuffing a couple into my suitcase. Memories . . . . such soothing calming memories.
I never dreamed back then that I would again hear the wind singing in an evergreen outside my home.
My husband planted this cedar when our 16 y/o son - our only son - died.
Not sure why he did that. I often wondered.
25 years later it is now much taller than our 2 story farmhouse.
Today it's providing me with soothing calming music.
I hadn't noticed the song - the singing - until today.
I think God knew that some day I would need to hear the singing in the trees again.
Thank you, Lord.
I hear YOU loud and clear!
The wind has been blowing more than usual this spring.
Quite frankly, it’s been rather annoying.
I mean it's not one of those "merry little breezes" that Thornton Burgess wrote
about in several of my favorite books.
This is a 20-30 mph blast!

I was wondering how to turn the negative
into something positive.
I found it!
Wind chimes ! !
I love wind chimes.
I already have two hanging in separate
parts of the yard. However, they are too far from the house for me to hear inside.
I hung these right outside my living room door.
I can hear the wind singing in the chimes now.
What a soothing sound.
As you can see in this picture,
they’re close to the singing cedar tree.
I hadn't expected this, but . . . .
they are actually creating a melodious harmony together.
The wind singing in the cedar and the wind singing in the chimes.
Wow! What a delightful surprise.
I think I’m going to take a nap.
The chimes and cedar will sing me to sleep.
But first . . . . another thought.
The singing only comes because of an obstacle
Because of a hindrance.
The tree and the chimes are an obstacle to the wind.
Without that annoying wind, there would be no singing.
I didn’t change the wind
It’s still blowing and it's still annoying
I just put something in the way of the wind,
It sings,
and makes me smile.
Oh look!
The whirly-gig outside my window is spinning like crazy.
I wish you could see how it looks whirling with the sun glancing off of it.
The wind is creating a beautiful sight here.
. . . . and allow them to help me sing.
Another reminder - as Lord Byron pointed out - that there is music all around us.
If we have ears to hear.
There is a new song everywhere,
If we are listening for it.
I've been doing a lot more time listening lately.
Time looking for the 'new song' - the joys and unexpected pleasures of the day.
Each and every day.
Amazing how much more at peace I am since I started doing this for 2011.
You will live in joy and peace. The mountains and hills will burst into song, and the trees of the field will clap their hands! Isaiah 55:12 (NLT)
Music washes away from the soul the dust of everyday life.
Music washes away from the soul the dust of everyday life.
Berthold Auerbach
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